Back on the Range at Last!
At last! DogmaRaiderville is now online again. This site is primarily a blog and article storage for my private thoughts and other items. The truth and more can be yours should the you wish to listen. Hopefully I'll be posting to this site on a regular basis and my hosting company will get things right for once! Check back frequently for news and information and my thoughts on current events.
See you next time and remember to always take an extra mag.
I Shake My Head in Disgust
People talk about the fall of Rome and how it mirrors the decline of today's society. I, being no friend of the current incarnation of society, can truly say that I wash my hands of them. Day after day I observe the stupidity of living among others and am powerless to stop it. Understanding what we choose for ourselves is our most precious right we have as individuals. The greatest care should be observed when exercising this power for those who can't use it for themselves.
Choppers, Lies and Movie Reels
I'm still trying to piece together what happened and why I feel bad. It's the kind of guilt you feel when you realize you've been ignorant. However in a way, I feel that the guilt of ignorance I feel is the not the result of a my own personal views. I've believe I've been deceived.
More Fun and Games from the Star Wars Universe
I know, I know. I shouldn't be taking a night off from the Gatekeepers to write up an article but I had to comment on the on the Clone Wars cartoon. As I sit here on Friday night watching it I have compiled a list of things that I never knew about the Star Wars universe. Don't get me wrong the cartoon is great but.....
Annoying Anime Syndromes
I’m very particular with what I watch and view.My time is precious to me so I don’t to waste it watching crap.Now I am not an anime expert, I don’t watch it that often nor do I particularly hunt it out.However during my very brief experience with the subject some rather stupid and obvious practices see to always appear.